“God’s Name reflects His character so the more we understand of His names the more we understand of Him…
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – TSIDKENU The Lord our Righteousness
Jesus imparts righteousness to us today… We’ve all sinned and require His gift of grace to make us righteous…
Hebrews 12:14 says “that without holiness, no man will see God.”… Jesus imputes His righteousness into us so that we can see God…
God wants to live the Christian life through us and do for us what we could never do for ourselves.
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – MEKADDISHKEM The Lord who Sanctifies
To be sanctified simply means to be set apart… God sets us apart as a chosen people, a royal priesthood, holy unto God, His own people…
He cleanses us of our sins and helps us mature…
God has called us to leave behind our old ways, to be set apart, and embrace His new way to live… we are to be set apart for His purposes and no longer for the Devils…
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – JIREH The Lord will provide
Abraham prophetically spoke and believed in God’s provision… Even before he saw the ram, even before the angel stopped him from lowering the knife, he trusted God when he didn’t have a clue as to how God would provide…
Too often we want to see how God will provide before He provides… that requires no faith, only observation…
Sometimes God closes doors and kills our visions to bless us with greater blessings and in greater ways fulfill His purposes within our lives…
Just as God provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac, He provided His Son Jesus for us…
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – RAPHA The Lord who heals
God has provided a final cure for spiritual, physical, and emotional sickness in Jesus… God can heal us in every way…
The fact that He heals us implies that we will suffer in this life… suffering doesn’t mean you lack faith, or that God doesn’t love you… it could mean the exact opposite…
My God is our righteousness, He sanctifies us, He provides for us and He heals us…”