A Complete Gospel

“Jesus is commissioning them to share the truth that they have seen… He is real and alive, and has backed up every word He spoke… and He wants us to know Him…

Repentance… turning from Satan, sin and self, turning to God, righteousness and selflessness…

This is the rub where people chafe at the calling to receive God’s love… A loving sugar daddy in the sky with no expectations of our lives but simply to “do you, you do you” and I’ll be there at the end sounds good to our flesh… sounds good, we’re safe, we get Heaven and we don’t have to change…

When we strip the gospel of it’s calling to change us, two transform us… we weaken the power of the gospel from a calling of death to self and life in Christ, to moderation of a few bad habits… The gospel is, and must be, more than that… or we don’t need a savior, we just need the right drugs and a good counselor…

When we divorce repentance from Salvation; we change the heart of biblical Christianity and deny the very words of Christ… This gospel of Christ has always called us to repentance…

God is calling us to speak a complete gospel to the world around us, it’s so easy to say Jesus loves you, and it’s true that he does… but we also must have the courage to call our loved ones, and our friends, and our family to repentance… turning from sin and to God… not by our own power, but through Christ…

An easy “believe-ism” will only breed contempt, we need to be honest about the gospel and not hide the uncomfortable edges…”


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