“The church in Acts 2 had a good start and it began in prayer…
We as a church are a restorationest movement, always trying to get back to the heart of the original church…
The God of all this universe wants to talk to us, to listen to us, and have relationship with us…
Be thoughtful in your prayers; really think about what you’re saying…
The two secrets to the life of Jesus is (1) He did nothing by Himself, but all was done in service and Honor to the Father, but (2) where He found the strength to lead that life was found on His knees…
I believe God would have us have a regular habit of fasting of one form or another… the heart of fasting is to center on upon God…
Physical benefits, success in prayer, power, spiritual insights—these must never replace God as the center of our fasting. That is the only way we will be saved from loving the blessing more than the Blesser.
What should we do during our fast…
• Journal during your fast…
• Prayer and fasting is more about changing us than changing our situation…
• Filling the time we would spend eating with prayer instead…
Both prayer and fasting are a sacrifice but it is worthwhile… In the Cross Jesus taught us that sacrifice is worth it…
One truth that Jesus clearly expressed in the cross was, ‘No Sacrifice No Harvest…’
Genuine seeking of God will always lead to a death, a death to the lesser self, and a birth to the great self..
The power of embraced sacrifice is greater than the power of coercion… We cannot force people to love God… but as we make sacrifices in time and energy in prayer and fasting God can transform the hearts of our loved ones…”