“We don’t know his mother’s name, but we know a little bit about her personality… She built monuments to her pain and disappointment…
That pain could have been two things: either the sorrow for the loss of her husband… or pain in actual child birth… either way she named this child pain…
This is not to minimize pain… only let us not set up monuments to past hurts within our lives…
Some people prefer the small world of a prison, some people prefer their chains…
If we’re not careful we can hold on to our aches and pains because they earn us sympathy…
If we’re not careful we can hang on to our anger and jealousy because they give us fuel and motivation…
If we’re not careful we can hold on to our insecurities because we feel they protect us in some strange way…
This was a prayer about more then just wealth… this was a prayer of freedom and honor, he was tired of the bondage and dishonor of his name…
Recognized the source of blessing… Understood that only God could enlarge his life from the smallness he knew…
He prayed for the exact opposite of how his name had marked his life…
• ‘Free me from the curse of my name, free me from the curse of my family’s ways, from the smallness, from the monuments of past hurts…’
Maybe he remembered he was from the tribe of Judah… The lion of Judah, the scepter and the staff, nations will bow, enemies being defeated…
He was honorable because he wouldn’t accept the title given him, he desired and believed and prayed for more…
You do not have to carry on the curses and titles that have been laid on you…
Your Heavenly Father has a better name for you!
Not only did God enlarge his territory but his gain became a blessing to others…
He moved from languishing in monuments to past hurts and pains to honor…
There are two layers to this freedom:
• The Father wants to give you a new name…
• But you have to respond to the Spirits calling to seek Him for healing…
Maybe your name was put on you, maybe your name was earned – either way the Father wants to give you a new name…
God desires that you would be Christ’s alone, that those old titles of bondage would be no more… that you would have a new name… Hold fast to the end and choose to live this life in your new name, not the name of your bondage…”