“Deep down inside what we all want is to know joy, and to enjoy the life we lead…
Sin is fun for a season but it never lasts… I have come to realize my greatest joys in life are when I am walking in healthy relationship with God…
I am only truly happy when I am well in my relationship with God… that doesn’t mean all my life situations are good, but if I can be well in that one area I can have strength in all those other areas of life…
Jesus is the only way to salvation. God didn’t create a world of ‘to each their own.’
God the Father takes great care to make sure that the vine is healthy…
We are either cut off or pruned, but either way we are cut…
To be cut off we must first refuse to abide and have relationship with Jesus… This is nothing He desires to do… this is a choice that we make…
But if we choose to abide and have relationship with Jesus we will be pruned… it can be painful but it allows us to grow in a healthy way and bear more fruit…
He cuts off those things that hold us back spiritually. So what holds us back?
Positionally we are “clean” through His work on the cross and resurrection… though He’s still working on us in His pruning… pruning isn’t earning grace…
The fruitful life is found in abiding… and the point of our salvation is to know and have relationship with God… God can be known and desires to be known…
Don’t be the Christian that doesn’t daily depend upon Him but truly communing with God…
Bearing fruit in Christ is a natural process…this fruit comes through dependence…
Our relationship with God isn’t static (unchanging)… but it’s either living or dying, growing or fading, we cannot simply rely on our past experiences…
In fruit we bring glory to God; in doing this we fulfill our purpose for living…
Every relationship has expectations (commandments)… These expectations are not to be cruel, but are so we are healthy within those relationships… and if there is health, there is joy within them…
Solomon’s Temple wasn’t created to contain God, only to be a place to commune (have fellowship) with God… If we are truly Christians, we are “the temple of the Holy Spirit…” We cannot contain God, but we are a place to commune with God…
In abiding in Christ, in knowing His voice, not only you can commune with God, but you can literally be a place where others commune with God in your words, prayers and actions…”