“Closing that bedroom door opened the door for their lives to be saved… Closed doors will save your life and the lives those you love!
Every genuine outpouring of God, every revival and awakening had its birth behind a closed door, in a prayer closet…
Prayer must be habitual and persistent…
There is nothing more sanctifying and refreshing and strengthening to the soul than this model of prayer…
I get that prayer can be exhausting, but it’s worth it… exercise can be exhausting but it’s worth it…
Many times when we least feel like praying is when we need to do it the most… before the enemy comes at you he wants you weakened…
Consistent prayer develops an attitude of felt dependence upon God… God without you I cannot do it…
Our souls life is maintained and thrives in prayer… communicating with its Creator…
How easy it is that we come to God with our urgent requests without acknowledging how He’s met our needs in the past…
When we remember what He’s done in the past it builds our trust and faith… and the prayer of faith can remove mountains…
God desires our prayers are greater than “Me, Myself, and I prayers”… We must have genuine sympathy for other in our prayers… God’s called us to pray for others…
We’ve talked a lot about prayer, and it is good, but it must be acted upon… There comes a time when it’s time to act upon our prayers…
Is it any wonder the enemy goes after our prayer life so much, if he can get us out of conversation with Jesus, he can get us alone in conversation, and his lies become easy to believe…”