
“Comparisons by their very nature, exalt one thing over the other, or degrade one thing below another… this can be a dangerous thing in defining our worth, and for our spiritual understanding of ourselves and others…

Why are comparisons so unwise? The enemy will try to either get you discouraged or make you prideful through them…

We are to compare ourselves to the word, truth and person of Christ, and that alone…

What’s the mark we’re striving for? Is it the neighbors, or is it Christ… And when you find your identity in Christ and not comparisons, you’ll know so much more freed to be yourself…

If your single don’t compare yourself with those in relationships… your value and worth is not based on your relationship status…

We can get into some bad relationship when we’re looking for another person to validate us…

In general it’s so easy to become so consumed with comparisons that we never enjoy life…

If you’re here and you aren’t a Christian, or you’ve drifted away from God don’t compare yourself with those around you… It’s good to be a good person, but that isn’t going to save you…

We are not to compare ourselves with each other… and our confidence cannot come from our comparisons…

Our boasting and confidence cannot be in how we stack up to others… but our boasting and confidence should be in the Lord and the Lord alone…

“I delight in these things…” God’s doesn’t delight in our wisdom, strength, or wealth (they don’t wow the God and creator of the entire universe)… but He delights in our knowing Him, and knowing His character, experiencing the truth of who He is…

Relationship is what delights God… not our personal ‘greatness’

There is both confidence and contentment in this place… we can finally be done with jealousy and coveting and discontentment…

If we look at ourselves in the light of the word of God we won’t become proud and we won’t become discouraged either… We will see our great need of Him… and we will also see that in Him we are sons of the Living God…”

1 comment

  1. Loren Groening says:

    A message all should hear!


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