Emmanuel, God WITH us

“Have you ever been in a room surrounded by people and yet still, within your mind, you were all alone?

Their popularity, the very thing that people envied about them, was the very thing that controlled them…

I tend to believe that most people when we slow down, and allow ourselves to stop doing, tend to feel the pain of uneasy loneliness… not all… but many…

Many times we use work, sports, parties, and family busyness to medicate our feelings away so our thoughts of loneliness don’t catch up with us…

If you are in Christ you are not alone… “I will never leave you nor forsake you…”

“Nature shows God above us; the Law shows God against us; but the Gospel shows God with us, and for us.”

The first Old Testament quote in the New Testament following 400 years of silence was, “Emmanuel (God with us).” The last word of Matthew’s account of Christ is, “behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”


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