“Most games are won and lost before the game even begins…
We need to get a vision of victory for Hays…
Abraham Lincoln when asked about whether God was on the side of the north or the south said this, ‘It’s not whether God’s on our side or theirs; the question is whether we’re on God’s side.’
God’s giving us this community, but we have to approach it the way God would have us approach it…
Wisdom matters, but spiritual battles must be won using spiritual means… and so often we try to supplement the spiritual with the physical and it just doesn’t work…
Joshua surrenders all his own views, at once and unreservedly, to the declared will of God… they wouldn’t have approached this city just winging it…
Ultimately I believe God desires that we are a Church community that lives out the words; and “they will know you’re My disciples by your love for one another,” and they will be drawn to the cross…
They had to attack! God pushed down the walls, but they had to attack!
Victory on this earth is the power to overcome the battles of our church mission and not be overcome by it… Victory is not the absence of battles…
One last quote, “A pigmy awake is stronger than a giant asleep!” Satan is a midget compared to you if you are found in Christ, (If the Lord is for us who can be against us!)… But when the church sleeps…”