Finding True North

“In our faith and our conduct we must find a true north… or we will live our lives aimless, and off… the word of God must be our true north…

“The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct.”

“God has inspired and given us the Word of God that we may know Him…

The Christ of Scripture must be our center…

Many times we can miss it in our understanding of scripture, believing the Bible true, but not understanding it…

We all get off sometimes, but if eyes are fixed on Him generally only minor adjustments are needed to get straight on the road… Scripture gives us the source to adjust our lives correctly…

Pride can wreck us here, if we can’t admit missing it and don’t adjust…. We need to have the humility to own this…

Genuine love is strong and it will challenge us… The word of God, the Bible, is sharp for a reason. In God’s great love for us He challenges us…

The Bible is sharp for these reasons; to express His character and great love for us and to expose those parts of our lives that He wants to transform…

The Bible is rightly described as a mirror – as we read it, it will expose our heart…

As it exposes our hearts, and we (in prayer) trust in God for power to overcome those sins, only then will we live as God created us to live…

We are to conform our lives to the truths of the Bible, not adjust the Bible to fit our lives…

The heart of God is one of love towards us that wants us to live in freedom from sin, and in freedom to love God…

The question I want to leave us with is this: Will we make regular communication with God through the word of God a priority?”


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