He Sighed Deeply

“God’s still working on us…

Jesus cares for our whole being… body, soul and spirit… Jesus doesn’t just address those spiritual parts of us… He takes care of our physical needs as well…

The disciples were missing it, they were missing who it was they were serving…

God’s patience with us and willingness to work on us, to take time to teach us, to peel back the layers of our blindness is awesome…

God is not so weak that He needed a second go of it, He was making a point…

Spiritual blindness within Mark was almost always followed by physical blindness being healed…

They went from forgetting about the power to feed 5,000 people, to missing His instructions on not being misled by other ‘teachers,’ to arguing over bread, to making the greatest declaration in all of scripture… Jesus, “You are the Christ.”

These cycles would repeat within their lives, but Christ would remain faithful … and they would grow and eventually become the leaders of the church and their writings and ministries would be the foundations of the church 2,000 years later…

We are a work in progress… You are a work in progress…

He may have sighed and expressed frustration with the disciples, but He never forsook them, or stopped giving more sight… so to with us, God wont stop working on us…

God’s going to get you on that bike… He won’t give up on you… it’s up to you not to give up on Him or yourself…

Lets partner with Him in this effort… God help me not to buck against your work… God continually turn over the soil of my heart, that I would willingly receive Your work in me…”

1 comment

  1. Loren Groening says:

    This passage of scripture really comes alive in this message with powerful illustrations we can relate to, to keep us from giving up on God and ourselves.


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