“I believe we have all the power in the world, we’re just missing some technique…
In our fight we need to understand and apply three things: Know your enemy / know yourself / know your technique…
The devil isn’t under every rock… but our enemy is still real…
He doesn’t have the bizarro powers of God… he is not all powerful… all present… all knowing…
Don’t ever address Satan in conversation, nothing good ever comes of it…
We don’t ignore Satan because he’s insignificant, we ignore him because he’s too powerful for us in ourselves, we need to appeal to a higher power than us…
Use scripture to remind yourself of God’s truth so you’re not deceived by the lies of the enemy… When the enemy comes against you, remind yourself of the truth…
Satan just wants to keep you arguing with him… he’s just laying bate to lead you closer to sin…
We have to have a positive focus, not just saying no, but saying yes to something…
Let us not simplistically try to find magic words when dealing with Satan, but let’s look deeper to the heart behind the words…
The power of God’s rebuke… “the foundations of the world were laid bare,
at the rebuke of the Lord…” This is the higher power I was talking about…
“That is, Christ speaks to God as the mediator of his Church, that he would rebuke Satan: and here he shows himself to be the continual preserver of his Church.” – Geneva Bible
But for the blood of Christ I’m still wearing those “filthy garments”… I no longer have to wear those cloths of bondage… Satan can accuse all he wants, but I’ve got some new cloths…
The Archangel Michael didn’t fight Satan in his own ability… but in-dependence by the ability of the Lord… “The Lord rebuke you…”
“The Lord rebuke you Satan” Not magic words, but more rightly focuses the heart on who is actually fighting the battle… it’s a prayer calling on the one that is already praying for you in Heaven…
It’s only Christ within us that has the power to defeat Satan… in ourselves we’re a mess…
Power without technique is wasted power… we need to start fighting Satan with wisdom, and allowing Jesus to fight our battles…
You will only win your battles when you learn to depend upon Him to fight your battles…
• We must stop talking to Satan…
• We must live lives in His Lordship, and our repentance, turning from and turning to…
• We must stop relying on our own power, no longer “I” but, “The Lord rebuke you Satan”
Much needed word for our daily battles!