Let not your Hearts be Troubled: The “other” Lord’s Prayer

“You can learn a lot about a person from there prayer life and what they underline in the Bible…

Jesus closes His teaching here with an overheard prayer… we can hear the heart of His teachings and His great love for us…

Jesus’ lowest place was His highest glory… His love and His justice was never more evident than when He hung on that cross…

God doesn’t practice power to simply show off… there is a purpose to it… but for good and our salvation… not simply power to have power…

To know God (by faith) is eternal life… the only true God… the only cause and end of all things… Relationship is both the way to, and the essence of, everlasting happiness…

He “emptied himself” of His glorified self and took on the image and likeness of a common man…

“they have kept your word” – do we keep His word, hold it, obey it, make it our life’s guide…

Satan’s greatest assault on the church is against unity… if he can have us at each other’s throats, instead of beating back the gates of Hell, then he’s already accomplished a victory…

In our prayers it may be wiser to say “God give me strength through the storm…”

Jesus was the incarnation of God in unity, we (the Church) are to be the incarnation of Christ in unity…

In this overheard prayer we hear the heart of God… the love and concern of God…
• We hear of the glory and pain of the cross…
• God’s desire for us to know Him…
• The power and glory of God…

This was the night of Jesus’ deepest sorrow… His heart was heavy… and He’s praying for others (most yet to be born)… and for unity…”


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