“The point of the Bible… God has something He wants to communicate to us… He wants to tell us who He is, and how we can know Him… and this is most clearly seen in Jesus…
All the Old Testament, though it might not name Jesus by name, was looking forward to the moment of incarnation and eventually redemption…
The Old Testament is the foundation and context of the New Testament… the New Testament is not the abolishment of the Old, but it’s the fulfillment, it’s the fullness of the old…
In Jesus the Old Testament is funneled through one man, and on the other end is the salvation of the world…
So why does that matter… If we miss the value of any part of God’s word, we miss out on the greater richness of how He’s chosen to communicate with us… He desires to be known by us…
The enemy would come and, in some cases justly, accuse us of sin… but because our sin is separated as far as the east is from the west, we are redeemed and safe in the city of refuge, in the city of Christ… Jesus wants to give you “strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.”
A little baby in a manger would become a Rock from which the abundant blessings of God would flow…
A little baby in a manger would become the bronze serpent that was lifted up that we could be saved…
A little baby in a manger would become a city of refuge in which we would find protection from our accuser…
All Heaven and earth was looking for the Real Thing… and He came in a manger in Bethlehem…”