“If in seeking the Baptism in the Holy Spirit you do not receive, you’ve just spent an hour seeking the face of Jesus… If you do receive that initial infilling, you’ve just hit the starting line to a whole new experience and walk with God…

As wonderful as our Pentecostal experience was initiated, we must continue to guard our hearts, and guard what God has entrusted to us… We must keep our relationship with the Holy Spirit fresh and our dependence upon him consistent…

When the Holy Spirit and His work become an argument, and not the expression of the power of God then we are missing it…

Nothing is more detrimental to the church and the Pentecostal movement then pride…

After being criticized by Jesus for their prayerlessness and powerlessness, they start arguing about who’s the greatest…

When our walk in the Spirit becomes weak and stale it’s easy for pride to sneak in… the irony is that when Satan has had his way with us in Pride/ he turns it into shame and condemnation…

They thought they had an exclusive franchise on Jesus’s ministry… it’s easy for churches and denominations to become like that…

God help us to see the Kingdom as bigger than our church or those in the Pentecostal camp… This kind of exclusionism is not just petty but it’s spiritually deadly… It destroys brotherly love and unity…

The purpose of Pentecost is reaching the whole world with the love of Christ … To be Pentecostal is to be worldwide in vision and ministry, reaching out to our local community and the greater world around us… this cannot effectively happen if our hearts are cold…

Let our witness of the Holy Spirit and His work not be something of the past… but what is God doing in our lives today…

Is our relationship with the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus still fresh, is our communion with Him directing our lives, empowering our witness, and building our faith…”


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