“We see in Jesus where the Son of God will choose to experience life through a human point of view… This is not God observing us, not God around us, but God with us… to walk and endure a fully human life that we may know Him… and in the process; that the creator would experience what it is to be His creation…
Jesus being Immanuel is so much greater than the idea of Him in a manger… He walks with us in our weakness… I believe God is calling us to strive to “sympathize” with our world and it’s “weaknesses”
“Reverse engineering” seeks to learn so much from things as they ‘are’ that things ‘as they can be’ have a chance to emerge… Understanding Point of View (POV) through reverse engineering gives us a clearer view of the culture and people we love, and greater wisdom in how to reach our friends and community…
If we don’t know who were ministering to our best efforts are lost…
The spirit of our age is one that says “no” to absolute truth and is consumed with sensuality… We live in a Folk Religious Culture… (Religious pluralism, compound spirituality)… Folk religion (for our purposes) is an independent religion that cherry picks from different traditions… just add your ‘religion’ to the shelf with the other gods…
Many people have a high opinion of Jesus, but will have little to do with what He actually taught…
They create Jesus into the image they want Him to be, instead of who He really is… their idol of Jesus stands in the way of them receiving the true, real and living Jesus…
The spirit of our age forces us not just to seek to win arguments… but to depend upon our spiritual strengths of prayer, faith, and love bring down walls and spiritual strongholds…
Our friends and loved ones are not philosophers in need of enlightenment, but human beings that, in love, are being sought out by God…
So knowing the POV of those we’re trying to communicate the love of God to; informs the method, and expresses respect for another’s life experience… Some may even say there is a measure of kindness and thoughtfulness to strive to see life from another’s POV…
Isn’t it interesting that our creator and all-knowing God came to earth and became fully human, and in that chose to experience life through our eyes… Who are we to not seek to understand the POV of those we’re called to reach out to… who we’re called to love… and that love cannot be dependent upon their worldview…
Missionaries for 2,000 years have ministered in cultures dominated by folk religions… This is the culture we face in America today… we can be angry and shake our clinched fist at the world… Or, with Christ at the center of our lives, looking honestly at the world around us, and understanding the POV of our friends and loved ones, we can seek to express the love of Christ in ways that would connect with them…
In the cross and the resurrection, and the power of our living God we can see our loved ones finally come home… Our reliance upon the power of God in the practical and the extraordinary will be our key to victory…
So in love for others will we truly listen… not just waiting for our turn to speak, but truly listen… to truly strive to see from another’s eyes… another’s POV… and from that place in dependence upon the Spirit of God; seek the when, and the how, to express the love of God…”