One Heart the United Heart

“Unite my heart” the idea is that with a whole heart we would follow Him…

One commentary says this, “fix all my affections to honor Thy perfections.”

Verse 11 – We are not left on our own to learn to have a united heart… He teaches us, He unites our hearts of we let Him…

Verse 13 – In this position of a united heart with Him, and with a heart of praise, there is power and deliverance…

Leonard Ravenhill said, “the greatest miracle God ever did was take an unholy man out of an unholy world, make him holy and put him back into that unholy world, and keep him holy…”

“We are to be in the world and not of it; to be disconnected fundamentally, not externally…”

If we have one united heart in God, we will have one heart united together…

Before the great move of God in our communities, there has to be a great move of God within us individually and as a church…

The hunger pains we experience during a fast should remind us of how a tune we need to be of our spiritual hunger pains… we must have a genuine hunger for the spiritual food of God…”


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