Pride and Humility

“Pride – inordinate self-esteem , arrogance , Excites boasting… Pride is an over-valuing of one’s self for some real or imagined superiority…

If God is all-powerful, He ought to be listened to…

To reverence God we need to love what God loves, and hate what God hates… He loves people… He hates sin and its effects…

Humble – from the Latin meaning low to the ground… modest, lowly, meek… To Abase the pride of {self}… Being willing to waive our own rights

{diffidence} An absence of all overconfidence in our own powers… It does not require us to underrate ourselves…

We can have confidence that we are children of God… but that confidence comes from the gift of God that allows us to be his children, not any self-righteousness within ourselves…

Humility, at its core, is accepting Christ’s lordship over our lives and dying to self… His lordship means more than just not doing bad, but doing the good we know we ought to do…

Genuine humility is one of the greatest witnesses we can have for Christ…

Pride at its core comes out of a life that is yet to be crucified with Christ… This is not always seen in belligerence towards Christ… sometimes it’s found in half measures, and facades… this pride can even twist what would initially be genuine humility…

One of the hardest aspects of handing over Lordship to Christ, and dying to self is trust… are we willing to take our hands off the wheel of our lives and let Him drive…

He is trustworthy and only wants the best for you…

Humility is not shame but it’s a life given over to the Lordship of Christ (low to the ground) that sees clearly who we are in Christ… A life that is bold, A life that is confident, and A life that is humble…”


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