“Resting to be at Work”

“God’s word is filled with promises of deliverance, and healing, and peace, and joy, and rest… Yet this rest (and those promises) are only received by those with active relationship…

If rest was given outside of relationship with God, it would be God giving us a smooth road to destruction… instead He gives us speed bumps and warning signs…

He’s screaming to these brothers that have heard the truth, that are allowing their lives to move from God… WAKE UP! Repent while you still can…

The rest of God is not found in a physical Kingdom like Israel, or any place found on earth… but rest, within the scripture, is only found in the spiritual Kingdom of God…

Even if we have genuine relationship with God, we can still be missing it… When we are walking outside of the desires of God within our lives, in His love, He’s going to put a few speed bumps in our way…

To truly understand rest we need to understand the contrast … the contrast between “working to be at rest and resting to be at work.”
• “working to be at rest “ – this is the earnest attempt to try to earn the rest and peace of God… trying to earn the love of God…
• “resting to be at work “ – this is the choice to accept the rest of God found in grace, and then from that position, gladly spending our lives to honor the King in our labor… Your not working to earn His love and favor, you already have that in faith, your working as an expression of gratitude for His love and favor…

Both require labor, both are work, but only one of these two will find us on the healthiest side of God’s rest…

God doesn’t give us a diagnosis without a cure… we just have to be humble enough to receive that cure… (2 Kings 5)… The humble heart says, “God your opinion on anything matters more than what I think…”

In the Christian life, the word of God can protect you from legalism and laziness…

“So then” because of everything we’ve said above, and because of who Jesus is, let us go to Him to “receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”


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