Rocks Cry Out

“Though there are specific tasks that we’ve been created for, there is a general task we’ve all been created for… Whether you know it or not you were made for worship…

Jesus is fulfilling the last part of this scripture… but the people are fulfilling the first part…

They were asking Jesus to directly contradict the prophetic word of Zechariah…

This humble King is and was more than worthy, and due, our praise and worship…

We will all worship something… we must be sure we are worshiping the right thing/one…

The Pharisees they worshiped the law, thinking they were worshiping God, but missing it… Here scripture is being fulfilled before there very eyes and they are missing it…

Let us cry out to the right One… I don’t want no rock taking my place in worship… taking the privilege I was created for… Worship… living in the fullness of His callings within my life…”


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