The Call

The call of God is as individual as people are different…

This was Abram’s calling (one day Abraham)
Genesis 12:1-3

Abrahams call west… he was called to leave the protect on his tribe and trust God to be his safety and strength…
• But more than just that, to be a blessing to the whole world…
• His calling may move you into the uncomfortable, the new, and the unknown…
• Sometimes that’s geographic… sometimes that’s relational… emotional (and we can learn through those emotions to trust Him more)…

The Lord led Paul out of the comfortable…
Acts 13:1-3
2 Corinthians 10:16
Context of the community of Antioch… This was a loving church community… This was Paul’s new home…
• God called Paul to regions beyond his comfort zone, regions beyond his close friends and loved ones…
• In order for Paul to give God lordship over his life, he had to follow… and if Paul would have refused, he would have missed out on the fullness of his calling…
• When God calls us, we must go… when we refuse; we do harm to ourselves, we do harm to those we’re with, we do harm to those were called to, and we do harm to the church in general…
• There is a sovereignty in His leading that I don’t understand, but it’s not important that I understand it… God understands, it’s important that I simply follow…

Paul’s ministry was beautiful in Antioch… but God’s intention was that his ministry would reach all the way to Spain, much of the book of Acts was able to be written because Paul followed the Lord in obedience…
• Paul was God’s vessel, but in order to be fully used he had to leave the comfortable…
• With lordship comes a truth, your first obedience is to Him (God) and no other… not your emotions and comfort… not your family and friends… joy does follow, but you have to take the first step of obedience to know that joy…

When God calls us, the calling doesn’t come with a complete itinerary… When God calls you, you must follow… I cannot preach this, and then personally deny His Lordship of my life…

I don’t know why God shuffles the deck the way he does, but I trust him in the process…

Please know I love you all… there is no animosity… but I must follow the direction of God.”

1 comment

  1. Diane Witt says:

    I tried to watch but the only thing was piano playing. I know you are doing what God planned or you would not be doing it. God Bless and Love your family more everyday. Miss you


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