The Core Four: Salvation

“Salvation is more than an emotional pull or tug but there is a supernatural transformation…

Salvation is deliverance from spiritual death and enslavement to sin…

Our understanding of Salvation must begin with our understanding of sacrifice… Jesus’ death on the cross and our salvation are linked…

“Atonement” is basically; covering with a price…

Jesus’ death was no ransom owed Satan, but God and His holiness…

The results of this work of atonement are amazing:
• There is forgiveness of sins we could never hope to pay…
• There is deliverance from sins that would dominate our lives… and physical healing…
• There is also deliverance from the second death…

Salvation is not a complicated number of hoops you have to jump through… it’s instantaneous in the heart of the genuine seeker of God…

First we must be convicted or be drawn to God…

Conversion meaning “to turn around.” Conversion is the right response we have to the Holy Spirit, the act of turning has two parts: repentance and faith…

Repentance would be the negative side of turning… turning from sin… it means “a change of mind”

Faith would be the positive side of turning… turning to God…

Faith must move beyond intellect and emotions… God must truly becoming Lord of our lives that our will is surrendered to His…

The idea is found in the word “believe”… the idea of ‘believe’ is a complete surrender of the will…

And as we commit ourselves to Him in striving to follow Him God justifies us… “Justification” means to “declare one righteous,” in God’s eye’s our sins are no more, gone…

In all of this through the Holy Spirit we can know “regeneration…” and “Adoption”… we are “Born Again”… a new nature… a new life in Christ… God makes us finally whole…

So what’s the proof what’s the evidence of Salvation?
The inward evidence of salvation is the direct witness of the Spirit.
The outward evidence to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness.

We are saved, we are being saved, we shall be saved…

A Salvation prayer can be as simple as “God Save Me.” The theology is the same though our understanding may needs to catch up with our hearts and experience…”


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