The Days of Noah: Following and Patience

“Noah is rightfully known as a man of faith but how did that faith express itself…

Obedience = following… God should not be seen as an angry condemning old man but a loving God and guide that only wants our best… even if we don’t know what that is…

Our will needs to become secondary to the will of God… This is Following! Lordship! And that is a lifelong pursuit…

Noah’s faith was expressed through his following… the order is important; faith comes first and the natural outflow of that is following…

Noah’s Patience would have been tested:

Noah was self-isolating before self-isolating was cool…

Noah was building the ark with primitive tools… Noah would of spent what, for many, was a lifetime building the ark… Noah was building the ark for 120 years…

So Noah gives us a great example of following and patience, but there is someone else who we can learn from… God and His patience toward us…

• It took their being one man left serving God for Him to send the flood… In Sodom and Gomorrah if only 10 people would have served the Lord He would of spared the city… This speaks to our need to be patient with others in their failings…

God’s laid down an example of, and has called us to a life of, Following and Patience…”


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