The Days of Noah: Jesus is coming back soon!

“Jesus is coming back soon…

To say Jesus is coming back soon should not be a reactionary statement… if you take the long view, and truly look at scripture, it’s undeniable that Jesus is coming soon… and when He finally does return to rapture His Church it will be sudden…

Isn’t it funny that today the “controversial view” is always the one that calls for restraint, and self-control, in anything that is sensual…

Noah followed the direction of the Lord, something ‘literally’ no one else on the face of the planet was doing… he didn’t allow the morals of the world to dictate his behavior…

When God’s standard are not ours and we just try to do a little better than the world we find ourselves in a steady descent downwards… This descent into rebellion from the desires of God is the nature of the fallen world…

We don’t wait for the world to awaken to model and live the desires of God…

God’s calling us to zig when the rest of the world maybe zagging… not to measure ourselves by the standards of our neighbors, or the world around us, but by God’s desires for our lives…

Be ready be looking for His return, but not just in abnormal times…

Do not shrink back but live lives driven by the desires and Lordship of Christ, lives of love, humility, holiness, compassion, grace, truth, integrity…

Live your life for the Glory of God, let Him find you laboring at His return…”


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