The Days of Noah: The Final Legacy

“The Desire of God is that we would have life and that we would know Him…

God specifically gave His life and breath to the first man, making human life higher than all creation… We are made in the very image of God…

So how do we get from that beautiful moment of creation to the Flood… Sin…

Sin effects our relationship with one another and with God…

Think of time from our eternal God’s perspective… the time between Adam and Noah was a blip in terms of eternity… God had really just breathed life into humanity, and we fell to the point of the flood… this broke God’s heart…

God’s heart is broken and He must take the very gift He gave us in creation…

His desire is to restore, but when humanity refuses to be restored, humanity will experience the judgment of God…

Aren’t you thankful the story of Noah and the Flood doesn’t end with the flood, but a rainbow!

God blesses Noah and man… and calls us to treat each other well and without violence… that we would not take life, but quite opposite, add to life…

The final legacy of Noah and message of God is His desire for us… that we would love one another and value every human life… even if that life annoys us, that human life bears the image of God…

Just as the days of Noah were hard and brought sudden judgment and salvation simultaneously… it would end with a rainbow, a covenant, and fellowship…

The end of the age will be hard and bring judgment, and the rapture will be sudden… but it will end with a new heaven and a new earth, a return to the heart of the garden, and restored open fellowship with God…”


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