The Genuine Holy Spirit

“I think the reason I responded so viscerally to this dream is because the counterfeit always cast doubt on the real thing… I love the move of the Spirit… He transforms lives…
• The genuine move of the Holy Spirit is not something that is conjured up…
• He is not someone that we have to manipulate our emotions in such a way to get a right response… He is real, He is tangible, and He does things decently and in order…

Now to order…
Not every church does it the same way. Depends upon the context of the church…

My process… as God has called me to lead our church…
• There is grace… honor matters… I don’t always get it right…
• God’s called us “not quench the Spirit”… Corinthians tells us services are to be done “decently and in order”…
• Unless it’s a tongue and interpretation, please ask me before sharing a word, or stepping to a microphone… Please trust me…

If you ever wonder about anything that happens in our services, please ask…

My desire, and I believe God’s, is that we would all genuinely experience the Holy Spirit…
• If you’re a believer here today, whether you are Pentecostal or not, you have the Holy Spirit within you…

John 20:21-22
The Holy Spirit is the seed of saving faith… think Genesis 2:7, the Lord breathed life into humanity… this is a different experience than we see in Acts 2…

John 16:7-15
The Holy Spirit’s work of conviction and expresses God’s truth…

John 15:26-27
The Holy Spirit makes Jesus known in a world of opposition… (See the context of verses 18-25)…

John 14:16-17
He abides with you – Omnipresent
will be in you. – Makes His home more personal, within our hearts…

John 7:37-39
“A high point in the ritual of Tabernacles (Feasts of Booths) was the pouring out in the temple court of a golden pitcher of water from the Siloam Pool at the foot of the altar. This was done to symbolize the future outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Messianic age.”
God’s desire is living waters flowing out of us… FLOWING, coming in and going out…

John 3:34
Jesus gives the Spirit “without measure” let us be filled up with Him…

John 1:33
Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit…

Acts 19:1-7; Acts 8:14-18
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a secondary work from salvation… Pentecostal in nature…

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is truly all about seeking Jesus… just running after Him… and in that Jesus will Baptism us in His Spirit…

Luke 11:9-13
• Ask… Seek… Knock…
• True Pentecostals cannot get enough of Jesus… It’s not about one-time experiences (Youth Camp, Good services, etc…) it’s about an ongoing infilling of His Spirit and hunger for Jesus… That He would truly be our Daily bread…
• This is more than mountain top emotional experiences, but daily walking with God in hunger for Him… and to be a tool in His hand to express His love to a dying world…

“Scholars grope through deserted shrines in search of God, while He can be found by a lowly saint upon his knees.”

So how does one become baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Luke 11:13 …how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
• Ask… this is a gift for all believers…
• and you don’t have to be good enough to earn it…
• and you’ll know you’ve received the baptism when you speak in tongues…

Acts 2:4
• God gives you the words, just say them in obedience and He’ll give you more…

But don’t worry about speaking in tongues, focus on genuine, ardent seeking of God and He will do it…”


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