“Ahab was blind to the fact that he was the trouble maker of Israel with his pagan gods (you’re not going to kill God’s prophets and continue to receive my blessing)…
We can be pretty quick to blame God for things… sometimes we face the natural consequences of sin…
And Sometimes we simply don’t know why… (the apostles were doing the work of God and suffered, Jesus was doing the work of the Father and suffered)…
And sometimes it’s not our place to know why but simply to trust… Remember we’re living for a greater reward than the earth can offer…
In both literal and figurative ways His fire will rest in our temples if we’re believers… It His way of saying, “I’m God and I’m here!”
God created the signs but He was not in them… It’s tempting to look for the signs of Jesus, but miss the person of Christ… Elijah was a man acquainted with signs… He wasn’t looking for the signs; he was looking for an audience with God…
He’s the God over Water, Fire, and Life so in our chaos and turmoil do not lose perspective of just how big your God is…
He is God, He’s not weak… we just have to be faithful… and we’ll not only see the signs, but we’ll know His presence… God wants to build you up!
Don’t follow the example of Ahab… God shows Himself, He warns us not to condemn us, but save us…”