The Holy Spirit’s Ministry Gifts

“The ministry of Helps is vital to the Church… this is the God given ability to invest in the ministry of others enabling them a greater effectiveness in their own ministries… people get burned out without this ministry… you have no idea what a blessing it is the be able to have someone come alongside and help…

God is calling many here to these ministries and others we’ve talking about in our series… don’t simply let them collect dust, but use them for His glory…

In the context of teaching on the gifts and callings of the Spirit, the preeminence of the word of God is confirmed, letting it be the standard by which all things “spiritual” things are judged…

Those who are called to ministry are not called to “do it all,” we are called to give away ministry… it would be a selfish thing for me to hoard the blessings of ministry… the reason we have ministries is not simply to have things on the calendar, it’s to bless you, to minister to you, to equip you, that you to would minister…

God has a calling and gift for everyone, God wants the fruit of the Spirit to be thriving in our lives, God want’s the person of the Holy Spirit actively working in us…”


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