“No weak sauce here”… genuine transformation…
In order to deal with sin we must get to know its true nature, to know the heart of sin, put it out by its roots… the more we can get to the roots of sin the greater victory we can have…
Why is this so important, because Awakening/ Revival and holiness are linked… This is not a ‘holiness’ that looks down its nose at others with feelings of superiority; but a holiness that has a godly fear of the Lord, a holiness filled with compassion for others physically and spiritually, a holiness that is saturated in the love of God…
Sin originated in an abuse of freedom… our moral actions are what determine our character… God in creating us free, He created us with the power to choose…
How Satan tempted Adam and Eve is the same way he tempts us…He begins with a question, the heart of the question is an exaggeration and then a thought, ‘Can it be that a good God would keep something from you that you want?’
Satan’s thought is this, ‘God created you in His image and He wants you to become like Him: but He’s forbidding the one thing that will make you like Him’… Satan is placing in her heart discontent…
Satan focused her eyes away from God on to the forbidden thing…
God knew their choice and our choices and in love, even before the fall He made a way of restoration…
Our free will affects others… in order to have free will it necessarily means our will affects those around us…
Just as we freely turned from God in the garden (and within our lives) it’s God’s desire that we would freely return to Him and the garden by faith in the mercy and grace of God…
Everyday we’re given a choice… will Jesus be King of my heart, or will I and my flesh (Pride)… God’s way or my way… Sin would have us substitute the things of God for the things of the world… sin would have us satisfy our self over the higher desires of God within our lives…
Jesus must be king… when He is your King you will know freedom… Are we finally ready to let the old man die…
Oh God that you would be King of this heart and not me…”