“The State of the Church is Good… imperfect, but good…
We were created and called for freedom…
Jesus expresses His great love for us in our freedom… Freedom from bondage, and Freedom to the know the fullness found in relationship with Him… both are necessary for a healthy spiritual life…
Without freedom from sin, and spiritual hindrances, all we’ll ever know is bondage, chains, shame and fear…
Bondage may be different for different people… some are more socially acceptable than others… but they all have the same effect, creating distance between us and the God that loves us…
We must dig deeper to the drivers of addictions and sins… these substitutes for God will not due, and will leave all that are bound by them empty in the end…
Without freedom to love God and have relationship with God; we will live a life of boredom, without a cause, and without a purpose…
Many want freedom from bondage, but they have no idea after that… looking for the blessing without the Blesser (Jesus)…
We don’t have to only know an existence of survival, but we can know what it is to truly thrive…
God desires for us to meet everyone where they are at, no matter where they are at, in love… with a message of hope, and love and freedom…
God has called this church to be a beacon of FREEDOM in a world of bondage!
Now we can have powerful vision, but if we don’t have the culture within our church to facilitate it we will never see it move from paper and words to lives transformed and a community bettered for our church being here… we’ve got to see things through…
God’s called us to be radically different, not for the sake of being weirdos, but because we’re taking on the character of God in such a way that the love of God is shining through us…
We need to make freedom a part of our prayer life… for ourselves and others…
But our prayers also need to have legs… “I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.” F. Douglass… We must not only pray, but our time, energy and resources must be poured into His Cause… God’s called us to be laborers in His fields…
“That all that I am would be given to You, that all my life would be lived for You…”
“There is not a man beneath the canopy of Heaven who does not know that slavery is wrong for him.” F. Douglass
It’s time to start dreaming again…”