“The King (Jesus) riding on a humble donkey would not have been missed by the crowds…
Luke 19:33-44
In the Luke account, in the middle of all this joy there was one man weeping…
“wept“ means: deep sorrow, heavy sobbing, agony…
• Why would He be weeping? Wasn’t this a time of joy? The crowds were praising Him, if they didn’t the rocks would cry out, didn’t He feel the love…
Jesus knew this moment was fleeting… as Jesus saw the city, His eye’s we’re filling with all the agony He knew they would one day endure… having been greeted like a King , his heart broke:
1. This great privilege was being abused… this was the turning point of history; this was the Son of God in their midst and they were missing it…
Jesus was rejected. Not because He wasn’t who He said He was but He was rejected because he didn’t meet their expectations…
• The “Jesus” this world has created, and the true Jesus are two different people…
• Our world today (just like palm Sunday 2,000 years ago) has placed on Jesus expectations that Jesus never stated. In a strange way they’ve modified Jesus and turned their image of Him into an idol…
• They made an idol of their created Jesus and rejected the real Jesus…
• He never called us to remain in our sin… He authored spiritual kingdoms, not physical and political kingdoms…
• He’s a God of love; not hate… He’s a God of regeneration; not resignation…
• He’s a God of selflessness; not selfishness… He never promised an easy life…
• And when He doesn’t measure up to the ideas of this world, He is rejects just as He was at the time of the cross…
And in this soon coming rejection Jesus didn’t call down fire in anger, but he wept…
• “But now they are hidden from your eyes.“ It was too late for them to get it…
• There will come a moment in everyone’s life when it’s too late to choose Christ, and none of us know when that moment is… Death or Hardening…
• If we’re asking, ‘have I gone too far,’ the fact that the question is asked says it’s not too late…
2. This Rejection of Jesus would have a heavy price… He was going to be rejected and because of that judgment was going to fall on Jerusalem (70 ad)… This is a picture of what it will be like for those that reject Jesus and do not turn to Him before it’s too late… do you see the parallel?
The Jewish study Bible says it like this: “if you only knew today what is needed for shalom”
• Salvation was at their fingertips, but they didn’t know the time. Salvation is at our fingertips today… If you are alive today, now is your time of visitation, your chance to know Him… we only have this life to choose Him…
Romans 10:9-13
If you are a believer here today our visitation is not just found in the moment of our salvation…
• When God speaks, do we listen… When He’s trying to protect us from sin, do we follow… When He leads us to share faith, do we have courage… When He calls us to love in challenging ways and people, do we choose to love…
• What is He visiting with you about today?”