The Touch and Presence of God – Part 2

“God’s never going to screen your call…

Sometimes in His sovereignty it takes more than one touch to complete the process of wholeness…

I’ve learned a lot in the valleys, more than once I’ve need a second, third and thousandth touch… God will use the situations of our lives to drive us deeper and closer to Him, and to drive us away from destructive things in our lives…

God didn’t answer this situation the way I wanted Him to, but He answered it in a way that was best for me…

The question is will you be (will you remain) faithful and trust… or will you shake your fist in anger and turn…

God is not a means to an end… the presence of God Himself is the highest goal…

What you do matters, but not as much as Who you know…

God wants to do awesome things through you, but more than that He wants you to know Him deeply…”


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