“God is Love… but He is also a Warrior…
The cross was the ultimate expression of God’s love, but it was also the moment in time when Jesus crushed the serpents head… our greatest acts of love are when we fight for our own…
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – NISSI The Lord is my Banner
By holding his hands up to the Lord, Moses was showing his dependence upon God…
Israel’s victory depended on their dependence upon God… when Moses stopped praying they started losing…
The Lord is my Banner stresses that God is our rallying point and our means of victory; the one who fights for His people… The Lord’s name was the battle cry…
Our battle isn’t against our neighbor… our battle is for our neighbor…
Satan will use people, “good” and “bad” alike… people are never our enemies, it’s Satan…
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – SABAOTH The Lord of Hosts
David understood the greatness of God when he went against Goliath with five smooth stones and a sling…
It was David and the armies of Heaven with the living breathing God leading the way VERSES Goliath and his minions… The outcome was never in doubt…
We’re too quick to give God the leftovers of our lives and days…
We must give Him what He desires, not what’s left when the world has picked us over…
JEHOVAH (YHWH) – SHALOM The Lord is Peace
Peace means biblically, “completeness, wholeness, harmony, fulfillment”…
When your heart is content, you are at peace. And where does that contentment come from? The grace of God… Only in Jesus, will you find this peace…
God is our Banner, The Lord of Host, The Lord of Armies, The Lord Almighty, and our Peace…
Our warrior God fights for us that we would know His peace…”