“Anointed here means that God had solemnly set apart… consecrated person (King/ priest/ saint) … He was the only non-Jew to receive this title…
Not only did Cyrus’ word bless them in that moment but continued to bless Israel…
God blesses His people through means that are very much outside of the box…
There are a lot of ‘good’ people doing amazing things in this world… and this kindness isn’t just the property of Christians…
“though you do not know me”
He acknowledged the God of Israel to be the God of heaven yet it does not appear that he left the Pagan idolatry… Just added Him to his God’s…
He was a good man used mightily of God… yet he still lacked a saving faith, a saving relationship with God…
God can use us to bless people in awesome ways, but it doesn’t mean we know Him… The kingdom of God isn’t bought with good works, but with Christ’s work on the
cross and our faith in Jesus Christ…
Today all those people I talked about before expressing generosity and kindness in the world are doing a good thing, but if they do not know Christ they are still missing the most important relationship in the universe…
Some would have literally dinned on earth with Jesus but have no relationship with Jesus…
Being good isn’t good enough… we are all given a life, and in that lifetime is our chance to know Jesus in a personal and real way… but the moment we take our list breath that chance is over… and no person knows when that last day is…
There are a lot of people trying to find their own door into Heaven, but there is only one door… Jesus is the door!
Relationship with Him is the only way to the Father, the only to Heaven, the only way to salvation…
For those that have received Him, you have a Meal and Eternity with the Messiah awaiting you!
The heart of God is that we would know Him…
Jesus died for all, but is rejected by so many… don’t let this be said of you…
Don’t be a good person in life, only to lose your eternity…”
A powerful message needed to be heard by all, we can be used mightily by God and still not really know Him.